Drop-in Center, whose activities are sponsored by the Youth Integration Center, has celebrated the fifth anniversary. On this occasion, the representatives of NBG Company donated funds for the education and on training of three protégés of the Drop-in Center. Youth can choose among thirty different vocations. The goal of NBG-launched initiative is to help children and facilitate their integration into community by increasing their chances for employment. Once they have undergone the training program and completed the professional practice, they will receive internationally recognized certificates.
On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Drop-in Center, the children and youth presented their original audiovisual works of art, showing how much they have grown over the five years, what were they doing, what they were thinking and how they were creating. The motto of the anniversary celebration was “The Fifth Anniversary – Through the Eye of the Camera and Recorded Audio Material” (“Oko i glas za peticu”).
“We have achieved a great success over the past years. I am proud to say that NBG Leasing staff has been supporting the Drop-in Center for two years now and will certainly continue to do so. We have provided funds and pointed to the significance of investing in education of these children. All protégés should acquire qualifications and be included as active members into community life”, said Ms. Silvana Trickovic, President of the Executive Board of NBG Leasing.
Drop-in Center was the Project of the Center for Youth Integration launched in 2007; today, it is defined as the service provided within the system of welfare. Since it was founded, the Drop-in Center has registered over 500 beneficiaries and there are 150 children and youth who come to the Center on daily basis. Among them, 128 children have school report cards; 130 children have been issued health insurance cards. As much as 40 percent of the children and youth that come to the Drop-in Center on regular basis have either permanently quit or rarely practice street-involved activities.
NBG Leasing donated funds for education and training of the children from the Drop-in Center
The second visit to the Drop-in Center
The representatives of NBG Leasing paid a visit to the children from the Drop-in Center at Narodnih heroja Street in New Belgrade and donated much-needed clothes, school supplies and sweets.
NBG leasing wished to demonstrate its socially responsible behavior by donating clothes to homeless children without parental care. “With this initiative, we wanted to support and help the children from “Drop-in” Center, so they could have clean, necessary and appropriate clothes to wear during their common daily activities, as well as necessary school supplies.
We want to send a message that through our joint efforts we can achieve a lot for all children”, remarked NBG employees – the originators of the idea.
Over 90% of the children, staying at the “Drop-in” Center, are of Romany nationality. When it is cold, about 50 kids come to the Center on daily basis. All of them (age 4-18), need warm clothes and footwear. Over the past two years the Youth Integration Center in Belgrade have registered more than 180 children living in the streets, parks, abandoned houses and shafts.
Last year, NBG Leasing also gave personal contribution to helping and supporting the children from the Drop-in Center. The donation included clothes, school supplies and sweets.
NBG Leasing Company donated incubators to the Hospital in Visegradska Street
Within a humanitarian campaign of B92 Fund, entitled “Battle for Babies”, NBG Company donated an incubator to the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Clinical Center at Višegradska Street on 8th March, 2012.
“The fact that every fifth newborn needs incubator at the very beginning of his/her life clearly shows that Serbian maternity hospitals have to be provided much needed help in getting new incubators. On the other hand, hospitals themselves cannot solve the problem on their own. It is our joint concern. Accordingly, it is of utmost importance that all of us jointly take respective shares of responsibility and provide for the care to vulnerable premature newborns”, said Silvana Tričković, the Director of NBG Leasing.
Babies born before the 37th week of gestation are considered premature. They do not have well-developed internal organs and cannot function outside the womb. Incubators help them sustain their further development. In the first days of their lifes, these apparatuses regulate body temperature and outside humidity. At the same time, acting as a kind of insulation, they protect babies from possible infections. The campaign of B92 Fund “Battle for Babies” won a Gold medal for the best socially responsible action in 2011.
Hero Company
NBG Leasing, the Company that supported the purchase of hundred new baby incubators within a humanitarian campaign entitled “Battle for Babies”, was awarded the “Medal of the Hero Company” at the ceremony held at the Central Hall of National Assembly House of the Republic of Serbia on 17th November, 2011.
Once again, the Company confirmed the motto “It is possible because we believe” and joined the battle lines of contributors assisting the babies in winning a decisive battle.
“We provided money by reallocating the funds intended for the purchase of New Year gifts to our business partners; in this way, we helped our youngest and the most vulnerable fellow citizens”, said Ms. Silvana Trickovic, the Director of NBG Lizing and added that “the fact that, as the consequence of outdated incubators in Serbia, the death rate of the babies weighing 1000 gr exceeds 65%, cannot leave anybody indifferent. It is a high time all socially-responsible companies supported those waiting for the much needed help.
So far, B92 campaign “Battle for the Babies” have raised the funds for the purchase of more than 160 modern incubators thus satisfying three-quarters of the needs of a health care system. Over 80 companies, 500 individuals and about 170 small enterprises, kindergartens, schools, stores, associations of citizens, faculties and sport clubs donated funds for the campaign. Incubators are to be placed in 40 health institutions all over Serbia.
A step forward for the children with behavioral issues
NBG Leasing supports Day Care Centre for at-risk Children and Youth.
At a ceremony held on 11th October 2011 at the Belgrade City Council, the “Place in the Heart” Fund presented financial awards to organizations whose projects had the greatest influence on local communities in 2010. The company NBG Leasing took part in this initiative by donating 200,000 dinars to the second best, Krusevac-based association “Korak Napred” (“A Step Forward”) with its project “Day Care Centre for Children and Youth at-risk”.
“Our aim is to raise awareness of the importance of civic activism, of its contribution to local communities and the society as a whole. Citizens’ volunteer efforts, supported by the business community and local governments, can go a long way towards achieving worthy and noble goals. A successful local government is one that fosters an environment in which citizens can effectively exercise their right to participate in the decision-making process and contribute towards local community development, a cause that we passionately support. The project rewarded by NBG Leasing highlights the importance of integration of all social groups, in particular those at risk, helping them see themselves in a new, better light and recognize their full potential”, said Ms Silvana Trickovic, the CEO of NBG Leasing.
The main objective of the project “A Step Forward” is to organize a Day Care Centre to facilitate the development of primary and secondary prevention systems for the children and youth with behavioral issues. Project activities started with parallel efforts to organize the service, to adapt and furnish premises in the city center, to educate professionals from associate institutions and to consistently implement protection procedures and programs. The activities are methodologically adapted to best suit the needs of beneficiaries through individual and group focus.
NBG Leasing at the “Lease Europe” Annual Meeting in Vienna
The representatives of NBG Leasing d.o.o. attended the Annual Meeting of “Lease Europe” held in Vienna, Austria on 29th and 30th September 2011.
„Lease Europe” is the association of European leasing companies that brings together about 2000 companies employing more than 70 000 persons. Leasing industry represents an exceptionally important support to overall European investments. There were more than EUR 250 billion worth investments in the course of 2010 supported by the leasing companies of Europe. The Lease Europe Meeting, eminent annual gathering of European and non-European leasing companies the purpose of which is to offer a single platform to the key players in leasing industry, brought together more than four hundred participants.
The Meeting was a good opportunity for experts and professionals from all over Europe to exchange their experience and opinion about the current situation and the future of leasing industry during the two-day lectures and panel discussions. Speaking about the trends in leasing industry, the automobiles in particular, Ms. Silvana Trickovic, director of NBG Leasing said that “the latest researches show that the people’s needs for cars are changing. The fact that average age of vehicles and equipment in Serbia is measured in dozens of years sends a clear message about the market potential. We should consider creating a completely new product, the symbiosis of offers of leasing companies, insurance companies and car suppliers. Such an approach to daily business challenges is a recipe for a better positioning of both vehicles and financing services.”
Action Today we run, you can do it
On Sunday, April 17th, the management team of NBG Leasing took part at the 24th Belgrade marathon. Part of the marathon was a 5K “fun run” supported by the Foundation of Ana and Vlade Divac within the campaign: Today We Are Running, You Can Too! Our company took part in this campaign by donating financial sources as well as running the race.
All the funds raised will be used to help refugees living in Serbia.
“Share your knowledge-become a mentor”
Embassy of the United States in Belgrade sent an invintation to Mrs Silvana Trikovic, member of the Board of Directors, to participate in the project “Share your knowledge-become a mentor”.
The goal of this project is to bring together leading experts from different professions (business, public and civil sectors) to share their knowledge and experiences with young women eager to become successful in their field of work. Program will last from September 2010 to May 2011.
Accepting the invitation Mrs Trickovic has become the mentor to Ms Jovana Kosoric, student of Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.
Ms Jovana Kosoric visited our company, got acquainted with organizational structure, employees, activities and aspect of business. Attending the Manager’s meeting she had the chance to get to know better the team members, perceive the process of making decisions and preparation for their realization.
Visited Drop-in centre for street involved children
On Friday February 11th, Company representatives: Silvana Trickovic, member of the Board of Directors, Aleksandar Milanovic Car Sales Manager and Gordana Ilic Head of the Legal and Administrative Department, visited the Drop-in Centre for street involved children in Krfska Street in Belgrade.
Our hosts were Milica Djordjevic the Chairman of Managing Board and Marko Sijan coordinator of program Drop-in Centre, as well as numerous volunteers.
On this occasion the Company donated computers as well as the clothes, sweets and school supplies that were collected as personal contribution from the employees of our company. We had a pleasant conversation with the users and volunteers who got us acquainted with their everyday activities and space where they stay, study and prepare for integration in the society.